Objectives and Rules
1 Objective
- 1.1 The objective of the Competition is to encourage ringing on twelve bells in the south-west of England, through providing an opportunity for bands to foster a focus to their ringing and to enjoy fellowship with other ringers in the area. The Competition shall be held annually, and the winning band shall be awarded the Higby Trophy.
2 Entry qualifications
- 2.1 Any twelve-bell tower, or band or Association that rings regularly on twelve bells within the counties of Gloucestershire, Bristol, Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall, is invited to enter a team.
- 2.2 In addition, the organisers may invite bands from outside the specified counties as they see fit.
- 2.3 Subject to Rule 2.4, each member of a team must, at the time that entries are submitted, have a current and regular association with the tower or Association /Guild they represent.
- 2.4 Bands not able to provide 12 ringers may apply in advance to the organisers, to include ringers in their band who do not have the required local association, but do reside within the overall area. As long as the application is not against the spirit of the Competition, it will be allowed.
- 2.5 A confirmed band list must be provided to the organisers two weeks before the Competition, with amendments permitted in unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances, such as illness.
- 2.6 Ringers may ring for more than one band, but no more than 50% of ringers in any band may ring wholly for another band. People ringing in more than one band must ring a different bell for the second band.
3 Organisation
- 3.1 Teams will seek an organiser/organisers prepared to make the necessary arrangements for the Competition each year.
- 3.2 Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, the Competition will be held on the second Saturday in October
4 Towers, Test pieces, and Judging
- 4.1 The organisers will arrange a tower, judges and, by agreement with participating bands, select an appropriate test piece.
- 4.2 The organisers will publish detailed procedures and guidance on the administration of the competition, and will make these available to each team. These will specify arrangements for draws at the competition venue, timing, stewarding, and emergency procedures.
5 Rules
- 5.1 Representations to make changes to the rules can be made by bands within the area in Rule 2.1, though no changes will be effected between the date of the invitation of entries and the Competition.
7 July 2019 test